Sing For The Laughter And Sing For The Tears

080419. Dream on, dream on, dream on, dream until your dream come true
I Found A Whistle That Works Every Time

Kiss the demons out of my dreams

Kartor för vilsna älskande

En människa är aldrig det hon är utan det jag hon söker - Octavio Paz
And Everyone That I Loved I Dismissed Because I'm The Escapologist

Here Comes The Sun, Little Darling

Mobilkamera ftw!
Applause Applause, Life Is Our Cause

I Met A Woman, She Had A Mouth Like Yours

I could drink a case of you and I would still be on my feet
On Sleepless Roads The Sleepless Go

(May angels lead you in)
No One Else Will Know These Lonely Dreams

T'es belle quand tu souris


Let's Be More Than This

We Love This Exaltation, We Live On Fascination

När ögonen tror att ingenting gror, för en gångs skull, låt kärleken slå rot

Tell me how does it feel when your heart grows cold (grows cold, grows cold, grows cold)

New Order, fin fredag, att promenera i regn, vårkänslor, stadsljus.
You Got A Fast Car, But Is It Fast Enough So We Can Fly Away? We Gotta Make A Decision, We Leave Tonight Or Live And Die This Way

I Remember When We Were Driving, Driving In Your Car, Speed So Fast I Felt Like I Was Drunk

Om lite mindre än en månad åker jag till Paris!

You Know That I Could Use Somebody
Someone like you and all you know and how you speak