Though life is ruff and the road is tuff
You can seize the day
You're single now well then so am I
So let's seize the day
Girl lose your blues and just laugh at life
And then seize the day
Cause you only live once
You can seize the day
You're single now well then so am I
So let's seize the day
Girl lose your blues and just laugh at life
And then seize the day
Cause you only live once

Igår träffade jag mina fina galna vänner för första gången på evigheter. Vi badade, lagade en supergod tremannamiddag och dansade till Hits for Kids-skivor :D :D
Let's Not Talk About The Sorrows
Let's jump of sky-high buildings
Let's believe that we can fly
Let's do it cause we wan't to
Let's do it cause we can
Let's laugh our very heads off
Let's do it once again

Let's believe that we can fly
Let's do it cause we wan't to
Let's do it cause we can
Let's laugh our very heads off
Let's do it once again

I'm So 3008 You're So 2000 And Late, I Got That Boom Boom Boom (The Future Boom Boom Boom)

Boom Boom Pow

Erase Rewind/We Can Leave The Past Behind

Kairo. Virgin Megastore i två timmar, en helt underbar mönstrad klänning, Amr Diabs nyaste och imorgon ska jag träffa S, underbara fina S som jag inte sett på över ett år. And our words they fly around across the ocean and disappearing somewhere over New Foundland.
3 A.M., soon the day will break.
Oh, This Morning Sure Could Change The Past

I See Your True Colours Shining Through

like a rainbow

I'm Tired Using Technology

Ras Sudr.
Let's Get Together, Maybe We Can Start A New Phase

How Could I Ever Forget The First Time

Ladies And Gentlemen, Welcome To Egypt

Il y a des salades qui pleurent le coeur de femmes

Comme Les Journées Sont Longues

unrecognizable to myself

Best Friend With Benefits

what took me so long
Your Tears Don't Fall They Crash Around Me

Om en vecka!!
Maybe I've Been Here Before

Sommarlovsfirande med mina fina fina vänner.
Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Sommarlov! Avslutning i Gustav Vasa kyrka, jordgubbar och glass i skolan och picknick i Humlegården i regnet med människor från klassen.

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
and I say it's all right
Shine Shine Shine On

Mysig kväll med fina vänner. Grattis på 17-årsdagen K!